Our partner BCS, in conjunction with TFD Training, have created a specific tailored driver audit and driver profiles for each one of our clients.
Driver Audits
Our online audit programme for Occupational Road Risk management will:
The system has the capacity to analyse and provide reports and recommends ways to minimise risks and become more compliant with road risk legislation.
Driver Profiles (In development at present).
At present TFD Training and BCS are developing a driver profile tool to help you identify which drivers are of a higher risk and may benefit from occupational road risk training.
Human error is a significant factor in road accidents, contributing to 90 - 95 per cent of all incidents. The Driver Profiler online tool is designed to identify any driver whose safety levels may put your business or themselves at risk. This assessment evaluates various factors, including personality traits, knowledge and attitude - serving as an indicator of drivers potential behaviour.
TFD Training NI Ltd.
Hampshire Park Avenue, Carrickfergus
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